보도자료 | 27 7월 2012 Research and Translation 인턴 모집 Internship – Research and Translation Seoul, WFP Korea Office Duties and Accountabilities Under the direct supervision of Head of WFP Korea Office, within delegated authority, an intern will mainly have the following areas of responsibility: 1.
목록 Operations database A searchable database of all WFP's current humanitarian and development operations, with links to relevant project documents and information.
목록 보도자료 A list of the latest news releases by the UN World Food Programme (WFP), filtered by topic, country and year.
목록 영상물 A list of the latest videos by the UN World Food Programme (WFP), filtered by topic, country, video type and year.
목록 Publications A list of the latest publications by the UN World Food Programme (WFP), filtered by topic, country, source, publication type and year.
목록 이야기 A list of the latest stories written by staff of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), filtered by topic, country and year.
보도자료 | 13 7월 2016 유엔세계식량계획(WFP) 2016 KOICA ODA 인턴 모집 유엔세계식량계획 (WFP) 한국사무소는 2016년 ODA 사업수행기관 청년인턴사업 참여기관으로서 아래와 같이 인턴을 모집하고자 합니다. 1. 모집내용온라인 커뮤니케이션 (Online Outreach) - 1명공여업무 (Government Donor Relations) - 1명(자세한 업무설명은 ↑클릭하셔서 첨부된 Terms of Reference를 참고해주시기 바랍니다.)2. 지원방법 : 제출서류 (영문 이력서 및 영문 커버레터, 영어어학시험 성적표)를 wfp.korea@wfp.org로 이메일 발송 * 이메