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WFP 한국사무소 인턴 모집

WFP 한국사무소 인턴 모집
유엔 세계식량계획(WFP) 한국사무소에서 재무/행정 분야 인턴을 모집합니다. 아래 내용 참조 후 지원하시기 바랍니다.




유엔 세계식량계획(WFP) 한국사무소 인턴 모집

1. 활동분야 : 재무/행정 (자세한 내용은 TOR 참조)

2. 제출서류 : 이력서(CV) 및 커버레터

3. 제출방법 : 제출서류를 wfp.korea@wfp.org로 이메일 발송 

   (이메일 제목은 Intern-지원부문-성명으로 할 것, 예: Intern-Fin/Admin-GildongHong) 

4. 지원마감 : 2014년 7월 16일(수) 

   * 서류 합격자에 한하여 개별 연락, 이후 절차 진행 안내

Term of Reference 

Intern – Finance/Administration

Seoul, WFP Korea Office


Duties and Accountabilities

Under the direct supervision of Administration/Finance Personnel of WFP Korea Office, within delegated authority, an intern will mainly have the following areas of responsibility:

1.       Assist in managing financial report/data of WFP Korea Office

2.      Assist in procurement process

3.      Assist in HR process

4.      Assist in travel/meeting arrangement

  1.         Assist in translating requested information in Korean and/or English

6.      Assist in performing other related tasks as required


Duration of the assignment

An Intern will work from 09.00 – 17.30 hrs. A candidate who can work full-time for 6 months is desirable.  Actual working hours and dates to be discussed and agreed with the candidate upon assignment.


Expected Outputs

An Intern will be expected to show results in the form of a high quality documentations/contents prepared for fundraising proposals, brochures and publications that support awareness raising of hunger issues and WFP in the Republic of Korea. The research preliminary conducted by a volunteer will be used to support the strategic planning of public and private fundraising in the Republic of Korea. 


Required qualifications/background

Advanced English and Korean language skills; Basic analytical ability; skills in developing sources for data collection; good computer skills including MS Excel; ability to work in multi-cultural team environment; Ability to plan and organize work; resourcefulness, initiative, maturity, tact, advocacy skills.